
Library Books

Your child checks out 1-3 books per week. Please help them remember to return their library books on time. One of the Life Skills I try to instill with library is to borrow and return items in a timely manner.

  • K & 1st get 1 book per week
  • 2nd & 3rd get 2 books per week
  • 4th up can get up to 3 books per week.

I expect the students to keep track of their books and to take care of them. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, then the student/family is responsible to pay to replace the book. You have probably noticed that "beyond repair" is a pretty extreme condition. Our books are literally loved to death. Some have more glue and tape than the original covers. :-) So don't be too worried about the fee, but do hold your child accountable for taking care of district/school property.


This year the district has implemented a new policy regarding the care and keeping of our devices. At Lee we keep the devices in the classrooms - occasionally your student will take it home to work on a project if necessary.

The District Policy is as follows:

  • First lost charger is replaced from campus stock
  • Second and beyond are charged $15/per charger
  • First incidental damage or lost device is replaced from campus stock.
  • Second and beyond are charged $50/per device

AISD Libraries

AISD Libraries has a very informative website with general information about school libraries.  The Library Catalog and Library Resources Link are especially helpful. Lookout for a bookmark with the passwords to the databases in Friday folders during the first few weeks of school.


Jenny Day, Librarian

(512) 841-3900