Our school day begins each day at 7:40am and ends at 3:10pm. Our doors are open for students to arrive beginning at 7:15am.
During morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, parents will not be permitted to enter the building. This is a districtwide commitment to ensure safety throughout all campuses. Staff will be on duty at both the Hampton Road entrance and Harris Avenue entrance to greet students and assist wherever needed during arrival. Students arriving between 7:15 and 7:30 who do not choose to eat breakfast will wait in grade level clusters in the auditorium monitored by an adult before being released to their classrooms.
In the afternoon, grade levels will dismiss from outside of the building at designated spots highlighted on our dismissal map. Students who attend Lee aftercare will report directly to the cafeteria and students who attend Spilled Milk and Hancock Recreation will be escorted by staff to their transportation.
Parents and caregivers will be permitted to visit campus after checking in with the front office through our Raptor system. We will begin to permit parents to have lunch with their students following the first two weeks of school so that routines and procedures can be established. There will also be other volunteer opportunities throughout the year to support our school, staff and students. We appreciate your support in keeping our students safe while in our care.
Traffic Pattern Map

Building Section Map

Arrival Entrance Map