Lee Elementary will have our annual Season of Giving. This is a way to help families within our community. We will add more families over the next weeks. Click here for The Season of Giving signup
The Season of Giving link has been updated to include our last few entries. We have 12 families total. Thank you for the gifts I have already received.
Here’s how it works:
If you would like to participate in the Season of Giving, sign up for a spot.
Each “snowman” is one wish list item. The spots will have the family number, age, gender, and item.
If you would like to purchase 1 gift for a child, take 1 spot. 3 gifts? Take 3 spots… etc.
Next, buy and wrap the purchased item(s) and secure the information on the sign up slot on the outside of the wrapped item. This can be with a sticky note or paper taped on the present. Please include the family number, child number, and the other information listed for that sign up spot.
Bring the wrapped gift(s) to the office by Monday, December 13th.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Gilbert at leah.gilbert@austinisd.org