Meet the Teacher and PTA

Save the date for Meet the Teacher! Friday August 11th at 2:30pm-3:30pm

Class lists will be made available on this day. UPDATE 8.9: School supplies may be dropped off on this day in your student's classroom.

If you are not able to attend Meet the Teacher in person, contact information for your child's teacher will be shared on August 11th via email.


Friday, August 11th
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Meet the teacher
Parents and students will get to check out your classrooms & meet your teacher!
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Meet the PTA
Roadrunner merch will be on sale! Grab a "snap" at the PTA sponsored photo booth, meet the PTA Executive Board, and learn about the 2023-2024 initiatives!
