Garden Volunteer

How can you help?

You do not need to be a Master Gardener. You do not need to have a green thumb. You do not need to be an expert on raising poultry. Whether you are all or none of the above, we could use your help to transform our Lee grounds (gardens and chicken coop). Our main efforts include several annual Roadie Workdays (coordinated by the principal), daily/weekly facilitation of students in learning about living things in the gardens and chicken coop, garden upkeep in spring break, summer break, or winter break, and chicken coop upkeep/tending.

Option 1: Roadie Workdays

Get information from the principal and show up.

Option 2: Daily/weekly facilitation of students

Weekly facilitation of students in learning about living things in the gardens and chicken coop. Identification of plants is desired, especially vegetables. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please email Dani Qiao Monahan at

Option 3: Garden upkeep in spring break, summer break, or winter break.

Please email Dani Qiao Monahan at for more information on how to help.

Option 4: None appeals to you? No problem.

You may refer to the Texas A&M AgriLife Vegetable Planting Guide to donate seedlings and seeds!

You may refer to the LBJ Wildflower Center website to donate Texas Native Plants.

You may also donate gift card from any plant nurseries such as the Natural Gardeners, the Great Outdoor, et cetera.