
Our music program is structured to support the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Fine Arts, our school mission statement and Russell Lee traditions:

“Children of all cultures can learn together in a safe, challenging environment with the help of competent, caring teachers, supportive parents and an involved community.”

Lee Elementary's music program approaches cultural proficiency and inclusiveness through active listening and participation in discussions within the community, continued study of professional literature, professional development through AISD, the American Orff Schulwerk Association and the Texas Music Educators Association.

Music studied in the classroom is sourced from many regions of the world and spans multiple languages. Our music teacher collaborates with parents and community members to integrate new technology and music into the class experience. Curriculum is sourced from excellent educators and musicians of varied identities. 

Lee's music teacher works to maintain a welcoming environment for parents and community that is healthy, safe, engaging and supportive.

“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.”