Marathon Kids

Marathon Kids is an Austin-based nonprofit that has kept Austin Independent School District (AISD) students running for over twenty years. Students at Lee in grades 1-6 will be challenged to run the equivalent of four marathons (104.8 miles!) over the course of the school year.

Throughout the year, when students complete a 26.2 mile marathon, they will receive exclusive Marathon Kids rewards. Coach Reyes will provide rewards for any marathons ran over the goal of four marathons. Marathon Kids has implemented a digital tracking system that has Lee students excited to get moving everyday.

  • We typically have a friendly grade level competition. The first grade level to complete their first marathon gets tie-dye shirts when they receive the white 26.2 and counting t-shirts from marathon kids.
  • Coach Rangel provides weekly updates in the glass case in the main hallway.
  • Prizes get passed out on the 26th of each month. Students are encouraged to wear their shirts and prizes on the 26th of each month.

To help keep Marathon Kids free for all children, please consider visiting to make a donation.


Celebrating our runners with a Marathon Kid kick-off !

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6